I prefer the Chanel ski set from 2007 !
This season I would be hitting the slopes with vintage Escada . As It has so many amazing pieces in the 2005 Escada Sports Ski Deluxe range. The bright colours would match my Satchel from the Cambridge Satchel Company as it is that neon blue colour !
I must say they were incredibly hard to find and buy in the end I bought them off Ebay as Chanel only launched a selected few to the public plus they were alot cheaper on Ebay ! I must say my Head race ski's aren't the best for style but for speed they beat all of the competition !
For extra warmth on the slopes, I wear my uber cool beanie I got from Obergurgl-Hochgurgl in Austria.Afterwards I love to walk around wearing my black moon boots with the luminous stripe, which are also perfect for apres ski parties ( dancing on the tables)
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