If I put lots of stones in a circle no one would pay me £1 million pounds for it . This is because I have no name for myself as an artist and this chap called Richard Long does. Some of the work by this Artist is uber creative and imaginative for example he walks up and downthe same track 100 times to make an indentation into a piece of art ! Pretty cool, This piece I like but really I don't agree with it being in a gallery.
Many pieces of modern art seem to lack any imagination and are totally bereft of artistic skill it seems to me.

I can understand why all of this is thought but I have a mirror at home like that . Come on that would take 2 minutes to hang on a wall and it costs alot more than any mirror should cost !
There are some incredibly talented artists as well who are contemporary and modern but also have an imagination ! I love art that you can look at and think wow I want that in my room or I want to learn how to do that .

For example many street artists are extremely talented but like to do it their own way , however some just litter our streets with rude words.Look at the street art of the African Tribes Woman and then look at the mirror.
Which one deserves to be in a gallery more?
The one for free or the Zillion pound one ?
The one that took time and thought or the one that two minutes to hang on a wall?
The one that you have in your bathroom already or the one you would love to have anywhere.
The one with the colour and energy or the reflection ?
Ask that to yourselves Modern Art people displaying mirrors as art. It requires a bit of common sense really.
POINT, POINT, POINT, POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!