Some people wear UGG's in the rain. Now if someone is walking behind you in UGG's you can instantly tell because of the slopping noise they make. This is because they have no structure unlike Emu's which do. Anyhow it was raining so hard today most people wouldn't go outside but I did because I like shopping . I saw three people in the space of 5 minutes wearing UGG's in the rain.They were a 40 year old mother with 2 kids , a teen and a 20 ish year old ,they were all wearing the classic UGG's .How embarrassing. This mystifies me because water stains your UGG's ,discolour them and make the wool go all strange. Even if you have bought waterproofing spray. If sheep are waterproof why aren't UGG's?
As wonderfully comfy as UGG's are ,they are bad for your feet,posture and the rain. So why don't you buy something else this winter. Don't be predictable and buy the same caramel coloured UGG's because everyone has them. Try out some hi tops or if you still want to be comfy Emu's are the same price but they have structure and they are waterproof ! HURRAH ! They also don't kill sheep.

Look, I know it’s cold outside. I know you want to shake your fist at the sky and say “Eff you cold!” You want to make choices! You want to make statements! Which is why you don’t wear Uggs. Because when you buy Uggs and wear them outside ,as it would appear women ,teens and children are still doing .The major statement you are making is “I paid £220 for my feet to look puffy because I have no originality whatsoever.”
Let’s not pretend that anyone is buying them because Uggs are a really flattering design on you, personally. There’s nothing to this design that would accentuate your legs, or show off your dainty feet. There’s nothing to the design that would make you stand up straighter or accentuate your bottom (high heels do this). There’s in fact nothing to indicate that you don’t have square, hideous shoe boxes in place of human feet.
Top Left Uggs. Bottom Right high tops.
Couldn't agree with you more - why would you spend £210 on what is after all a slipper?
ReplyDeleteThe term ugg boots, ugh boots and ug boots are believed to have been used to describe sheepskin boots in Australia and New Zealand since the late 1950s. Although some accounts have suggested that the term grew out of earlier variations, such as the "fug boots" worn by pilots during World War I, a number of individuals claim to have originated the term, such as Frank Mortel of Mortels Sheepskin Factory, who says he named his company’s sheepskin boots "ugg boots" in 1958 after his wife - HOW RIGHT SHE WAS .
Apparently in the 1960s, ugg boots became a popular option for competitive surfers, who used the boots to keep their feet warm after exiting from the surf. After cinemas in Sydney banned ugg boots and ripped jeans, the footwear became somewhat popular in the youth market as a sign of rebellion - seems like the UK are 50 years behind in the fashion stakes!
How interesting , Thankyou very much !! I must say I had no idea where Ugg's came from !!
ReplyDeleteJust FYI, Uggs don't kill sheep. Sheep are shorn, which just means they get a hair cut.
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