Sunday 7 October 2012

Have you ever wondered why triangles are indie ?

There are many answers to this philosophical question.
I must say that my favourite answer is 'they have three sides and even numbers are so mainstream'. This is an excellent answer from my great friend Monica!

However another answer is  because the original Indies were from the Bermuda Triangle. This is where the practise of growing your hair long and dying the ends comes from; they dyed the ends of their hair with red berry juice and they didn't believe in cutting their hair. Also, because it was very hot in the Bermuda Triangle they wore cut off clothing. The Bermuda Triangle Indies were heavily religious people, therefore they wore crosses as jewelry as much as possible.

Indie arm ! Its just pen don't worry!

Triangles have been getting alot criticism recently.

Reasons for the triangle

I think the shape is the most structurally sound of all the basic shapes .                      

They’re on our money and they’re also major structures in Egypt so they have been around for a while !

Doritos are triangular!
It’s the strongest shape in the geometric world. haters can hate, but you can’t break a triangle                      
  They are pointy !


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